Reel Daiwa 24 Iprimi LT


AdditionalTOUGH DIGIGEAR®. Cross Wrap® system. Twist Buster® III line roller.
Drag SystemATD™ Type-L
Lager6 (incl. 1 CRBB®)
BeskrivningUL Trout reel designed for finesse fishing with small lures. The low gear ratio boosts sensitivity and bite detection. Airdrive Design reduces line tangles and shifts weight for better balance. Zaion V rotor spins effortlessly, and the I-shape handle knob offers precise control. ATD Type-L drag works smoothly with thin lines.
MaterialZAION V® reel body. ZAION V® body cover. ABS® aluminum longcast spool. Aluminum handle
Country of OriginJapan

120,00 € inkl.

ImagePriceReferenceSizeWeight (g)Сила тормоза (кг)Winding per revolution (cm)Емкость катушки (м/мм)Gear RatioAdd to cart
10180-100 Reel Daiwa 24 Iprimi LT 120,00 €10180-1001000 S-P170560100/0,124.8/1
10180-200 Reel Daiwa 24 Iprimi LT 124,00 €10180-2002000 S-P175563150/0,144.8/1