Fishfinder LOWRANCE Eagle 4x


ContentsEagle 4x. Bullet Transducer. Bullet/SplitShot™ Transom Bracket. Power Cable, with fuse and connectors. Eagle 4x Bracket.
AdditionalNew reliable twist-lock connector system for easy installation in any boat or kayak. Portrait orientation. True scroll sonar. Wide-Angle Sonar.
Depth Range, max./min.Max 152m
ОписThe Eagle 4x provides a quick and easy solution for simple fishfinding. This portrait-oriented display is ideal for kayaks and small fishing boats with limited space. With its wide-angle sonar, the Bullet Transducer provides more coverage of the water column with a continuous right-to-left scroll across the screen, making it easy to interpret and spot fish.
СеріяEagle 4x
Display typeIPS

182,00 € з податком

ЗображенняЦінаReferenceDisplaySonar TypeУ Кошик
000-16110-001 Fishfinder LOWRANCE Eagle 4x 182,00 €000-16110-0014"Single Frequency Sonar. 200 kHz