Ice Fishing Reel Lucky John MAIKO


Фрикційне гальмоMechanic Drag System
AdditionalInstant anti-reverse, Friction braking system STAR DRAG, Quality brass gears, Fast detachable spool, Balanced handle.
Руків'яErgonomic rubber
ОписDesigned for vertical ice fishing, these reels allow easy retrieval from deep waters without pulling the line by hand. The open spool offers visual control, and the reels are mounted under the rod handle like spinning reels, adjustable for left- or right-hand use. A key feature is the extended stem, ensuring a comfortable grip during use.
Підшипник роликовий1
Передатне число2,6/1

42,95 € з податком

ЗображенняЦінаReferenceModelSpool size (mm)ModelВага (г)Line Capacity (m/mm)У Кошик
LJ3065 Ice Fishing Reel Lucky John MAIKO 42,95 €LJ3065Left-hand65162100/0,30
LJ3065R Ice Fishing Reel Lucky John MAIKO 42,95 €LJ3065R65Right-hand162100/0,30
LJ3055 Ice Fishing Reel Lucky John MAIKO 38,45 €LJ3055Left-hand5515280/0,25