Rig zander-perch walker Balzer Shirasu Street Walker 1/0


Для лову рибиPerch, pike
ОписThe rig is used for both slow and fast bait retrieval. Its special shape allows for easy navigation through obstacles on the bottom of the water body. There is the possibility to adjust the bait's height using a movable ball.
ДодатковоRecommended lure size - 6-9cm
СеріяBalzer Shirasu
Діаметр волосіні (мм)0.9
Quantity (pcs)1

4,75 € з податком

ЗображенняЦінаReferenceWeight (g)Hook size (Nr.)У Кошик
16165110 Rig zander-perch walker Balzer Shirasu Street Walker 1/0 4,75 €16165110101/0
16165115 Rig zander-perch walker Balzer Shirasu Street Walker 1/0 4,95 €16165115151/0