Braided line Feeder Concept Pilot x4 BRAID Black 150m

Technische Daten

BeschreibungA braided line for feeder fishing, featuring a dense, classic weave made of four strands of high-modulus polyethylene (PE). It withstands bottom contact thanks to its high abrasion and wear resistance. The line also offers excellent color retention.
Länge (m)150
SerieFeeder Concept

9,95 € inkl. MwSt.

ImagePriceReferenceJapanese Classification, #Test (kg)Durchmesser (mm)Diameter (mm)Add to cart
FC4890-010 Braided line Feeder Concept Pilot x4 BRAID Black 150m 9,95 €FC4890-0100.43.40.1
FC4890-012 Braided line Feeder Concept Pilot x4 BRAID Black 150m 9,95 €FC4890-0120.65.110.12
FC4890-014 Braided line Feeder Concept Pilot x4 BRAID Black 150m 7,95 €FC4890-0140.86.20.14
FC4890-017 Braided line Feeder Concept Pilot x4 BRAID Black 150m 7,95 €FC4890-01717.30.17