Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize

Technische Daten

BeschreibungA specialized feeder for fishing in super-strong currents. Thanks to the wire "whiskers" in the back part, it allows you to stop at the fishing point feeders weighing 25-30 less than feeders of classic shapes. The wire whiskers raise the back of the feeder, thereby the front part of the feeder rests more strongly on the bottom and is better held at the fishing point. Depending on your fishing conditions, you can independently set a different angle and bend of the wire whiskers.
SerieFeeder Concept

2,45 € inkl. MwSt.

ImagePriceReferenceGewicht (g)Gewicht (g)Add to cart
FCMC-GO-040 Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize 2,45 €FCMC-GO-04040
FCMC-GO-060 Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize 2,75 €FCMC-GO-06060
FCMC-GO-080 Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize 3,25 €FCMC-GO-08080
FCMC-GO-100 Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize 3,75 €FCMC-GO-100100
FCMC-GO-120 Feeder Concept Ground Hooks Oversize 4,45 €FCMC-GO-120120